Friday, June 18, 2010

Just a Bit of Bitching and Moaning

I do believe I'm having fake preg symptoms. Because it's not already entirely sucky to have all the emotional upheaval of going through fertility treatment until you think to yourself, at least being nauseous every morning is a good sign, only to get a negative result again. I'm so freaking tired of taking tests with my hopes up and getting them back down again.

And there's probably some anxiety going on, evidenced by the crushing chest pains around/between my boobs. Which happen while I'm trying to sleep. Now that I think about it, I should probably have that checked out. Along with my non-functional reproductive system. And my random nausea. And losing my balance.

Even better with all this? Nausea that gets worse in humidity. Why on earth did I decide to go through clomid cycles at the start of summer in DC of all places?

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