Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 34 - Relieved and Thankful

This past week has been a complete 180 from where I was last time I posted, and it's a really nice feeling. So many worries have been lifted off my shoulders, and I've been amazed at how generous and helpful people can be. A lot has happened, so here's the not-so-short story.

Last Thursday, we went to get the ultrasound done with the perinatologist. The verdict? Brianna's big, but not too big by just a hair. That day she was estimated at 5 pounds 8 ounces, which put her in the 87th percentile for size, and anything under 90th percentile is considered okay. This is great, because it means I won't necessarily be induced early and I have a better chance of starting labor naturally. The tech estimated that she'll be around 9 pounds at birth, but as I've been told, that's nothing my body can't handle thanks to my superbly over-sized bone structure (as evidenced by my huge feet). Everything looks healthy, all her organs seem to be doing well, and while she will have a bit of a belly according to the tech, she will also have long legs. So if there's a pool at the office for her size at birth, I'll go with 8 pounds 14 ounces and 22 inches.

Later that day we had our childbirth prep class, which focused on breastfeeding (and bottle feeding, for those who are choosing to go that direction). I am lucky enough to have a friend lending me a pump, so I can make this work even after I'm back in the office. My mom had a fairly easy time breastfeeding my little brother, and managed to do it until he was over a year old, but I have heard so many horror stories about latch problems, supply problems, pain and infections despite knowing several people who are really successful with it. It was nice to hear what causes those problems, so I can look out for them and have the best possible experience.

Then Saturday I woke up well before the butt-crack of dawn to fly out to California for a fantastic shower with my family and friends from the West Coast. It's amazing how helpful complete strangers are when you are obviously pregnant. I had so many offers of help, and only one or two people were brazen enough to touch my belly in the airports. I will say this though. Do not fly through Dallas if you are pregnant. The bathrooms are incredibly far apart and spaced exactly between the stops for the shuttle that goes around the airport. And then I thought I would be smart and use one of the disability carts that goes around knocking over the bags of unsuspecting travelers while it blazes past carrying the elderly and people unfortunate enough to have sprained an ankle two days before flying. Except I happened to choose the one cart that wanted to pick up everyone and their brother and then change direction several times. I could have walked all the way around all the terminals in the time it took the driver to finally get around to my gate. So, I didn't eat on my layover and my legs weren't fully stretched by the time I had to get back on board. All in all, it wasn't such a bad thing, since I actually had enough appetite after landing to thoroughly enjoy devouring an animal-style cheeseburger and chocolate shake from In-N-Out, and still eat well at the shower.

The shower was a bit of an explosion of pink, but beautifully so. My mom loves entertaining, and she pulled out all the stops for a high tea. Delicious food, pink and white tulips everywhere (I miss how early spring comes to California!), lovely tea, and not a bit of cucumber. I think she didn't believe me at first when I told her I wouldn't come if there any cucumber sandwiches, but threats of puking seemed to do the trick. It was wonderful to be surrounded by so many friends and family, and I'm almost overwhelmed by how generous everyone was. This baby is going to be the most adorably dressed little girl EVER. In fact, I got the same cute little cherry outfit in three different sizes, so she can be extra cute no matter how big she is. There were also some beautiful handmade clothes, like a tiny red bonnet my college roommate knit for her. So precious I almost can't stand it.

Since I was there for the whole weekend, I also got to spend a lot of time with my cousins and friends who had come in exotic locations like Seattle. There were plenty of Yo Mama jokes, and more than a few moments which will not be described to protect the less-than-innocent. Then there was the bath incident. My mom has one of those fancy whirlpool tubs that is also wide enough to accommodate my expanding belly, and I love being in water, so I decided to enjoy it while I could. And while it certainly was nice for me, I discovered that Brianna does. not. like. heat. I didn't notice it with the jets running, but as soon as the water was still I could see her twisting and turning, trying everything to get herself above the water level. I turned on my side to see what she would do, and I basically looked like an alien was trying to escape through my spleen because of the enormous bulge she made trying to get away from the heat.

Once she was calmed down, my family was entertained trying to put cold stuff on my belly to make her move. She must be just like me with the preference for cold over heat, since she didn't do anything. No movement. Nada. Either that, or she was on strike, which is possible given the stubborn streak that Andy and I both have. The fun ended when my mom thought a frozen steak would make her move, which was...not a good idea. Ever seen a pregnant woman surprised and surrounded by too many people? It wasn't pretty. The evening was redeemed by some excellent shrimp with pasta, which I haven't had much of because Andy hasn't been a fan. Plus ice cream for dessert, what's not to love?

The following morning was another far too early experience to fly home. Brianna doesn't seem to like landings or turbulence (though she's fine with takeoff), so I was practicing my breathing exercises to relax despite her punches and twisting around. The flight attendant who was facing me in a jumpseat thought I was having Braxton-Hicks and kept offering me ice. Eventually I got home, with a lovely knot in my back and sore collarbones from hunching my shoulders thanks to the guy next to me with no sense of personal space.

Another thing I got from the flight was a stomach virus. Oh goody! I hated to use another sick day instead of saving them for my maternity leave, but I needed it. I'm not sure that I'm totally over it, but I'm not feeling unwell enough to justify staying home, so work it is. The past two weeks it's been a back and forth dance of each of Andy or I being sick in turns, or on especially unlucky days, both being sick. I could really use a maid service right about now. Instead, we had contractors paint Brianna's room yesterday (light green for the walls and a yellow accent), and then we can really get into setting up her room. I was going to do before and after pictures, but...painting is already finished, so you'll just get after pictures.

Wednesday we went in for the sonogram on my boob, and that came back...okay, I guess? They couldn't see anything despite feeling the nodule, so it's not like I was imagining it, it just turns out that everything looks like healthy tissue. For now, it's a "keep an eye on it" situation, and if my OB/GYN gets worried about it, I can do a mammogram. Which I would really prefer to not do. Supposedly I could safely shield Brianna right now, but I'm just not worried enough by the lump to risk exposing her to radiation. Breastfeeding would also delay getting one done, since milk pretty much obscures everything. All in all, it's reassuring, but I would feel better at least knowing what the hell it is.

So, given that babies gain on average half a pound a week, Brianna is probably about 6 pounds now. Her fingernails are about to the edge of her fingertips, so she'll have those lovely newborn claws that require a manicure immediately. She seems to be in position for birth, with her butt prominently pushing out at the top of my belly. Who knows whether that's true or not, we'll find out at our OB appointment later today. Sleep is becoming problematic, since I wake up at least twice a night to pee and when I get back into bed my hips hurt and she's awake and moving. Fun. Nature's way of preparing me for feedings at midnight and 3am and 4am. She is quite fond of Queen, and loves to move around (in perfect rhythm, no less) whenever one of their songs comes on. I think the Rockabye Baby CDs are in our future, so Andy can get her back to sleep after all those feedings.

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