Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 20 - She's Shy Like Mommy and Daddy

Little One is a girl!! My ultrasound this morning was only marginally better than the last one. It still took longer than expected, and the tech still didn't get every shot that she was hoping for because Little One decided to lay face down  instead of being in a position where we could see everything. In the end, we got the few that were really important to me: a perfectly beating little heart, tiny hands, and the top priority between-the-legs. We were also able to see the feet again, the thigh bone, lips and the nose, and one ear. It looks like she won't have the lovely Nemeth ears that stick out a bit which seem to show up on boys in the family more than on girls. Which is kind of duh, since she's a girl. We're incredibly happy, and our parents are thrilled. We would have been happy either way, but it's so much more fun to shop for girl clothes. We picked up tiny socks with a pink lace ruffle and a book to start reading to her, I Love You This Much. Andy and I were looking at it in a children's store, and I started to tear up because it was so sweet.

I got my flu shot the other day, which is good since it is that season, but I really screwed up the timing since I forgot about the flu-like ickiness you get a few days afterwards. Fast forward 72 hours and I've got aches and chills and a mild fever. Then I threw up this morning and I've been nauseous almost all day. Hard to say if it's the shot or morning sickness, but either way it still makes life tough. I'm just hoping that I feel well enough to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I already had to give up on making homemade rolls or pie crust, and I'm not sure what else to cut at this point. Luckily, Andy is a fantastic sous chef with better knife skills, so he can at least chop onions and celery for the stuffing, take care of the potatoes completely, and prep all the veggies for roasting. Then I just have to get the turkey in the oven and cook the stuffing. Cranberry sauce is from a can (gasp! but it's what I always do when it's just me eating cranberries), and gravy I can practically do in my sleep. Our green salad is just baby greens with goat cheese and a dressing made from bottled champagne dressing mixed with cranberry juice. Spiffy! We might try an alcohol-free wine that a friend gave us back when we were first trying to get pregnant, but there will at least be sparkling cider. And then a pumpkin pie which should be amazing, given how frickin fantastic the batter tasted.

TMI Alert: You know what's also awful about getting the chills? It makes sore boobs hurt even more! They've gained at about two cup sizes and are only going to get bigger, but the process of growing to supply enough milk is just painful. Every time I take my bra off, it feels like I sunburned every inch of my breasts. I've only ever burned the top half of my boobs, not being brave enough to go topless, but yeah, that's what it feel like. My nipples are squished if I try to wear my pre-pregnancy bras, which basically means they point sideways at the end of the day and scream bloody murder. Actually, they're screaming "Get new bras already woman! It's only going to get worse!" but the effect is the same. And now that I've channeled Diana Gabaldon in Drums of Autumn ("Nipples again?!"), I'll move on to other topics.

Little One is supposed to be 10 ounces, but the tech said she weighs about 13 ounces. Not sure if that's good or bad. But given that one book used "small cantaloupe" as a reference, I'm not too worried. I'm pretty sure based on today's ultrasound that she is not spherical in shape. Her senses are developing a lot, and she can hear me now and recognize my voice. This also means she was able to hear the incredibly loud fire alarms that went off Monday morning, and promptly started kicking me to show me her displeasure at the noises. "Make it stop Mommy, it hurts my ears!" Me too, Little One. Me too.

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