Friday, December 3, 2010

Ultrasound Pictures!

Hey look! Pictures from the ultrasound! And it only happened 10 days ago...

I was going to do a cutesy side-by-side explaining what exactly, these are showing. But if I did that, then you would never see these. So here we go:

Here's a nice profile shot with her nose which she was so damned determined to hide before.

And one of her actual face so you can see her eyes. The creepy looking lips are especially fun.

And this is a side-by-side of her feet. Why the tech got a shot like this, I don't remember, but...yay, toes!

And these two are the ones that need some help explaining. Basically, she was laying face down across my uterus, and then she tucked/crossed her legs sort of "Indian-style" giving us a perfect view of the three lines that say "this is not a scrotum". There are helpful arrows that the tech added for us in case you have no idea what you're looking at. Oh wait, that's everybody.

So there you go, pictures! Look for a full post tomorrow. It'll be kinda long and kinda sad. Sorry about that.

1 comment:

  1. I love baby profile pics like that first one- Alexa's profile is still exactly the same as it was at my 14-week u/s!
