Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 29 - Here We Go Again

It seems the third trimester is just a bit of a repeat of the first. The last few days have brought a return of morning sickness and constant peeing. It's a good thing we buy toilet paper at Costco because I would be running out on a weekly basis at the rate I'm going. And I know it's only going to get worse. Our childbirth class (which  is awesome, more on that in a sec) showed us diagrams of what the body looks like at various stages of a pregnancy, and it's a little cramped now but at full term... it won't be pretty. I honestly have no idea how I am going to be eating, breathing, or going to the bathroom. And even when she drops, it will just get worse for my poor tiny bladder. But at least I'll be able to breathe!

The class is going great. Our instructor is a labor and delivery nurse who gets just the right blend of entertaining and informative. And she put out Oreos at our first class, which made her my hero for the week. There are 8 other couples in the class, due dates spread late March to mid April and a fairly even mix of boys and girls. There's one other couple who are aiming for an all natural birth, but I think I'm going to get good information about what kind of complications are more common with my doctor's office and what they tend to do to handle them, which also means we can make better choices to keep things as close to all natural/no interventions as possible. The relaxation techniques have been pretty good, we even used them after my glucose testing freak-out last week and it helped a ton. Some the breathing rhythms aren't really doing it for me, so that may take some trial and error to get me from what sounds like hyperventilating to just a slightly uptempo deep breathing pattern.

As for the glucose test, I found out from the nurse that my numbers had been just barely over the limit of what's considered normal, so chances are, with the improved diet and exercise I was maintaining the week before going in for round 2, I will be fine. (Thanks for the advice, Randi!) I'm a lot less worried, though I'll keep up with the better food since there really isn't any reason not to. I can afford to go with whole wheat flour and brown rice instead of the refined (and cheaper) stuff, and it's pretty much the same to cook with. Ideally we'll make it a change that sticks. It's a lot easier to keep it up when I have the choice to stray a bit instead of feeling forced to be good all the time. Now if I could just get my appetite back, I'd be set. Hard to say my diet is good or bad when nothing sounds good. Not even nutella, and that's clearly cause to go to the ER because something MUST be wrong with me. I had a baked potato for dinner last night, so I'm not starving, but when I checked my weight at the doctor's office, I had lost a couple pounds. Not good. Maybe I'll go back on my morning sickness diet of cereal and bean burritos for almost every meal. Not together though, I would never eat something that weird in one meal. It's not like I eat cinnamon rolls and pickles together.... oh wait. I have. Nothing says your pregnancy taste buds are weird like being able to surprise an ultrasound tech. Dammit, now I want cinnamon rolls.

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