Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 16 - Been Busy

Why yes, I have failed to update here. And the reasons aren't that glamorous.

I've been cooking, and travelling, and sightseeing, and trying to not be sick.

The birthday dinner was a success, although I couldn't actually do all the prep work for it, so Andy had to help with his own dinner. And then I forgot to tell him just how small I needed the pieces of squash to be, so they didn't cook down as much as I would like. Overall, pretty tasty though, and the cheesecake was yummy. We also were really good about not eating it all within a couple days, which is less unhealthy. Go us!

Later that week, we went to a classic car show as a special treat for his birthday. Normally we do a surprise outing for each other's birthdays, but I just couldn't handle doing all the planning and the driving by myself, so he knew what we were doing. It was even better than I had hoped, with lots and lots of cars, which is hard to find out here because classic cars don't handle the salt used during winter. Eventually we'll bring out his '57 Chevy BelAir from California, but we'll need a garage first.

Then we had the joys of cooking lots of food. I took on the organizing of a monthly potluck group at work when the original person left, which means I have to cook for it every month while everyone else just brings something every 3 months. And because we are so talented, we had to both bring a dish. And on top of that, we were hosting the weekly poker game the same day as the potluck. So last Tuesday was spent making a double batch of French onion soup, collard greens, and a pan of corn bread. All of it was yummy, but damn was it inconvenient. And to top it all off, the soup eventually made me nauseous and I kept tasting it again with every burb. Lovely. I'm sure you wanted to know about that too.

Last weekend was much better, seeing as we took off Friday and went to New Jersey for Andy's college roommate's wedding. The drive there was lovely with all the fall colors, and we had a blast seeing all his friends from college. The wedding was lovely, though the reception would have been a tad more fun if I had been able to drink. The most entertaining part was probably when our table was given a picture frame mat (presumably to write nice messages to the newlyweds) and told we had to write on it, even it was just dirty pictures. Dirty pictures, you say? Well hand that puppy over to the perverted, Frisky-tastic pregnant lady and I'll draw an entire dirty comic. Twas fantastic.

While I have been feeling better, I'm still sick sometimes. I seemed to really screw myself over this week, when, Murphy's Law, as soon as I told people I was feeling much better, I got sick again. Luckily, I've finally figured out a comfortable way to get exercise. The hotel last weekend had a pool that was the perfect temperature, so I took a dip in the morning when there weren't any kids splashing around and it was nice to just do laps and some of the exercises from my water aerobics days. So I'll be getting the one swimsuit still available in my size (because I'll take a granny-ish swimdress to be able to get good exercise) and hitting up the local rec center which has an AWESOME pool. And then I can look forward to parent-infant swim classes.

I look pregnant now which feels awesome. I've had strangers ask if I'm pregnant, so I'm less anxious about looking badly overweight. Little One is...I dunno, a mango? Slightly bigger than an orange, but I've seen some enormous oranges in my time, so who knows. I do know that babies are not spherical unless you're in theoretical physics (if that makes any sense to you, you should ask me about my horse racing joke). Baby is moving quite a bit, but I have no idea if I'm feeling anything yet. I could be, but unfortunately I'm the type of person that feels whatever I read about, which makes murder mysteries less fun. It's hard to know if I'm having a "bubble bursting" or "butterflies" or "fluttery" sensation when I immediately imagine it and FEEL it just because I think about it. It's a good skill for acting, but not for inexperienced first time moms.

My due date has been changed. Again. It's back to April 10, and apparently, it won't be moved again. My CNM promises. The first ultrasound alone wouldn't be enough to justify changing the date, but combined with the fact that Clomid tends to cause a slight delay in ovulation, it makes sense. I might not be happy about it around April 8th, but it gives me a few more days to escape induction. Other things from my last appointment: I'm allowed to lie on my back for brief periods. Because evolution wouldn't be so stupid as to make something that easy to do in your sleep be a real risk. We also will be getting a Wii Fit. Because she told us to. Sometimes it's awesome to be pregnant.

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