Monday, January 4, 2010

Weeeee - Roller Coasters R Us

My period started. Sort of. Kinda. A little bit.

I wonder if that's anything like being kinda pregnant?

New Year's Day brought me a little tiny bit of bleeding. Barely even spotting. And by the afternoon it seemed to be a real period. (I can't believe how excited I am about this. but PCOS makes everything... unpredictable.) I was hoping it meant I wouldn't have to subject myself to the Provera to get what I want, but by evening there wasn't even a real trickle, so I started it anyway.

Three days later I'm not really sure what to make of my body. I've had various levels of spotting over the last four days, and it's a bit of let down. For a moment I felt a certain amount of triumph in the knowledge that I was on the verge, and a little patience was all I needed. Maybe not so much. I'll give it until the last dose is complete, and see what happens. Basically, I'll give my body a week to figure out whatever the hell is going on, and if it still doesn't make sense in a week, I'll make an appointment with an OB/GYN.

And now off for my regular exercise, assuming the dog doesn't get out into the cold and say "Oh hell no beeotch. I'm freezing and it's time for us to turn around."

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