Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 6 - Explosion is Imminent

I am now 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant (but who's counting?) and well, there's no mistaking the fact that I'm pregnant now. This nausea thing? Yeah, I totally underestimated that. Earlier this week it was just a couple hours in the morning and a bit around 4pm, plus any time that I was too hot. Kind of annoying, though nothing I couldn't handle.

But now? I've been feeling queasy almost the whole time since waking up. I'm sick of eating ginger cookies. I cannot stomach another saltine. I still haven't even figured out what appeals to me, so I can at least get some calories for Little One. Bleh. Even foods that are initially okay-sounding have ended up not being so great. I'm looking at you, popcorn.

I had been walking in the mornings but I'm not getting any exercise because I don't really want to go out in hot humid weather and get even sweatier. If heat makes me nauseous, why on earth would I want to get hot and nasty in the morning when I'm already nauseous? I'm barely even getting in some basic stretches and core strengthening stuff from my days in physical therapy. Perhaps I will try to get out and walk later. You know, when I stop wanting to puke.

Luckily, there has been no puking. YET. Actually that's not true, I puked a little bit when I triggered my gag reflex while brushing my tongue, but that's kind of normal for me already. Doesn't count. I seriously considered making myself puke last night after eating too much pizza. The indigestion was God awful. And after feeling just as bad having a little bit of pizza for lunch (with a huge container of salad), I've decided pizza is off the menu for me for the next few weeks. I'll see how I feel later on, but dear lord, I do NOT want to repeat that one again in the near future.

Little One is about the size of a nail head. Whatever that means, you cryptic pregnancy advice book, you. Clearly they have never been to a hardware store and been lost among all the nails and screws you can get. At least I know it's smaller than a blueberry, since that comes next week.

On a happy note, my boobs don't hate me as much anymore. Don't get me wrong, they're still unhappy, but now I can handle contact without screaming. Most of the time, at least. Also, I love my workplace. I told my managers and they're all totally happy and excited and supportive. It helps that they all have children of their own (or at least enjoy being the super awesome aunt) so they don't look at this as "great, now we have to find someone to do her job for a few months while she takes leave." or something like that.

I am dying to go to my ultrasound in 10 days and see a heartbeat. and see if there are 2 heartbeats. *squeee*

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